
Siberian Husky Dog Breed Profile

The Siberian Husky can become bored easily, and as a result may howl and become destructive. So if you are going to leave the dog for any period of time, they must be well exercised first. Their playfulness and love of fun makes them a great play companion for children and, with any luck, they will wear each other out.

Health issues: As a breed the Siberian Husky are prone to problems with their Urethra, eyes are another place that they can get problems and their skin. Along with hip dysplasia, which is common in many breeds. Apart from these they are healthy as a breed, living between 12 and 15 years.

History: For hundreds of years, the Siberian Husky was a working dog for the Chukchi tribe of Siberia. Fur traders were responsible for bringing the Siberian Husky to Alaska to participate in sled dog races. The Siberian Husky gained fame during a terrible diphtheria outbreak in 1908. As this occurred during the winter and access to remote villages was nearly difficult, the Siberian Husky was used to take medicine to afflicted populations. This dog was used by Admiral Byrd in his explorations in Antarctica.

Temperament: The Siberian Husky is a dog that enjoys being around its human family as much as possible. It is a gentle dog, but has in independent outlook on life. They are friendly and relaxed and wants to interact with its family as much as possible. This dog has a very strong hunting instinct, so care should be taken with cats and other small household pets. As the Husky is a dog that loves to be active, it can become destructive if it becomes bored through inactivity. It is often suggested that keeping two of these dogs will prevent this negative behavior.

Health Issues: The Siberian Husky is basically a tough, healthy dog, but can be subject to several health problems. The most common concerns the eyes, where the dog can develop cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (which will eventually lead to blindness). Dogs used in sled racing can become ill with bronchitis. Fortunately, hip dysplasia is relatively rare in this breed.

Grooming: The Siberian Husky sheds heavily, so some attention should be paid to grooming this dog. It should be brushed twice a week year round, but every day when it molts its coat twice during the year. Extra care should be given to the feet if the dog is used for sled racing, to make sure there is no build up of ice between the toes.

Living Conditions: The Siberian Husky is most comfortable living in a cooler climate. This dog is devoted to its human family and will be happy living indoors as long as its need for exercise is met. It is especially suitable for families that enjoy taking part in outdoor winter activities. The Husky can easily live outdoors in the most rigorous climate, being able to tolerate temperatures of -76F.


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