
Alaskan Husky - Facts Every Owner of this Dog Breed Should Know

The Alaskan Husky is not truly a 'breed' of dog in the traditional sense. The name is actually a classification for this working and sled dog. There is no written breed standard for Alaskan Huskies and it is not a registered breed or show dog. Alaskan Huskies are the descendants of several dogs: Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Border Collie, German Shepard and possibly a few others.

The American Eskimo Dog comes in three sizes - toy, miniature and standard. All sizes are relatively small, the biggest of them only about 15-19 inches high. The toy size is indeed a size like any other artificial stuffed animal, and the dogs even resemble the fluffy artificially created stuffed animals you see often in shops. Their fur is always thick and profuse, and usually looks very nice. The dog has great characteristics as well and is loving, loyal and good with children at a relatively understanding age. American Eskimo Dogs live in average between 12 and 14 years, though make it past 20 years or more. This breed is a fairly healthy breed, although close attention should be paid to its eyes and tear ducts. They are prone to hip dysplasia, Elbow and Knee degeneration, patellar luxation, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, epilepsy, urinary stones and allergies and especially flea allergies that can lead to acute moist dermatitis. These terms may seem foreign to those who don't know what diseases they specify, but most of them are common disorders that appear as the dog grows older. One thing you might want to pay particular attention to is that this breed has a tendency to develop severe allergies to fleas. One single flea on them can result in frantic scratching and gnawing on its skin, which gives painful "hot spots" and skin lesions.

They do not need a lot of maintenance, as their coats tend to be short to mid-length, but do require extra brushing twice a year during shedding season (particularly in the spring when shedding is the heaviest). The coats are wooly and thick (a protective measure when in their native environment) so they are better suited to cooler climates. Living on average about 10 to 15 years, the Alaskan Husky is good with children, but not other household pets as they have a strong hunting instinct and may turn on them. Though playful, loving and generally docile, the Alaskan Husky is not a good indoor pet. They can be difficult to housebreak, and get bored easily, especially if left alone. Alaskan Huskies will become destructive, tearing things or running around in circles. They also need a lot of room to run as they have a lot of energy and need to exercise frequently.

However any dog can bite, especially if it is not trained or socialised properly, isolated, neglected or encouraged to behave aggressively. Allowing a dog to behave aggressively makes the dog think that this is appropriate behaviour, and if it gets attention on demand it believes that it is the top dog. If a dog thinks that it is at the top of the hierarchy then it may become aggressive if its status is challenged, such as being given a command: it believes that it is the top dog so it should demand attention not the other way around; or if another member of the family receives more attention than it.  

If outside, Alaskan Huskies do need to be watched closely as they will dig under fences in order to hunt or run. They also do not make good watchdogs, as they will greet everyone with friendly barking and have been known to play with any stranger entering their territory. As a result of their mixed heritage, Alaskan Huskies have relatively little health problems, though some are prone to gastric torsion (bloat) and if they do not get enough exercise will quickly become obese, leading to other health problems.

There is a website that has great information on Alaskan Huskies and most other breeds of dogs. It has details that pertain to a dog breeds health, grooming, living conditions, best food choices and more, the website is called: Dog And Cat Facts, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2006

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 5 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years. He first released products on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's-80's.

RB59 Software


The Easiest To Train Dog Breeds

Dogs are fun and loving pets to have once they've learned their place within the family. In general they tend to give love unconditionally and are eager to please. Some dog breeds, however, can be a challenge when it comes to training. You can be successful though if you approach each training session with a calm and firm disposition. This plus adhering to a consistent training schedule will bring the best results.

Patience is truly a virtue while training certain breeds. Of course every dog has his own unique personality, but there are some traits which are prominent within the majority of dogs of a particular breed. Rarely is it impossible to teach a dog the proper way to behave.

When learning commands, some dog breeds learn faster, remember more, and respond faster to commands than other dogs. If you want a dog that is easier to train then consider one of the following breeds:

Border Collie
Golden Retriever
German Sheppard
Doberman Pinscher
Labrador Retriever
Shetland Sheepdog
Miniature Schnauzer

It is important to note that all dog breeds can be trained to learn and obey commands. You'll see just about every dog breed competing in obedience competitions. However, these breeds (listed above) learn training commands faster than other dog breeds do. This means that training them is a lot easier and requires a lot less patience and time. Just because these breeds learn faster than other breeds doesn't mean they are more intelligent. Unless, you're definition of "intelligence" of a dog is "it's ability to learn training commands quickly".

You see, when it comes to dog intelligence, experts have a lot of difficulty determining what dog "intelligence" actually is, just as they do when trying to define what human "intelligence" actually is.

For example, other breeds may understand your commands just as well as these faster learning breeds, but they simply may not have as much desire to carry them out. They simply may not be as eager-to-please you and are therefore not as obedient as the breeds listed above. Does that make them less intelligent though?

No. For example, a Siberian Husky is not as interested in pleasing his owners as some other breeds, so teaching him to obey commands - training him - takes longer. However, just because he is not "quick to learn" the Siberian Husky has other talents, such as his ability to figure out ways to escape from seemingly inescapable backyards. So if you are measuring a dog on his ability to find ways to "escape", the Siberian Husky would be right up there.

So don't think that the breeds listed above are any more intelligent than any other breed of dog. They're are just quicker to learn and obey your commands.



Siberian Husky Dog Breed Profile

The Siberian Husky can become bored easily, and as a result may howl and become destructive. So if you are going to leave the dog for any period of time, they must be well exercised first. Their playfulness and love of fun makes them a great play companion for children and, with any luck, they will wear each other out.

Health issues: As a breed the Siberian Husky are prone to problems with their Urethra, eyes are another place that they can get problems and their skin. Along with hip dysplasia, which is common in many breeds. Apart from these they are healthy as a breed, living between 12 and 15 years.

History: For hundreds of years, the Siberian Husky was a working dog for the Chukchi tribe of Siberia. Fur traders were responsible for bringing the Siberian Husky to Alaska to participate in sled dog races. The Siberian Husky gained fame during a terrible diphtheria outbreak in 1908. As this occurred during the winter and access to remote villages was nearly difficult, the Siberian Husky was used to take medicine to afflicted populations. This dog was used by Admiral Byrd in his explorations in Antarctica.

Temperament: The Siberian Husky is a dog that enjoys being around its human family as much as possible. It is a gentle dog, but has in independent outlook on life. They are friendly and relaxed and wants to interact with its family as much as possible. This dog has a very strong hunting instinct, so care should be taken with cats and other small household pets. As the Husky is a dog that loves to be active, it can become destructive if it becomes bored through inactivity. It is often suggested that keeping two of these dogs will prevent this negative behavior.

Health Issues: The Siberian Husky is basically a tough, healthy dog, but can be subject to several health problems. The most common concerns the eyes, where the dog can develop cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (which will eventually lead to blindness). Dogs used in sled racing can become ill with bronchitis. Fortunately, hip dysplasia is relatively rare in this breed.

Grooming: The Siberian Husky sheds heavily, so some attention should be paid to grooming this dog. It should be brushed twice a week year round, but every day when it molts its coat twice during the year. Extra care should be given to the feet if the dog is used for sled racing, to make sure there is no build up of ice between the toes.

Living Conditions: The Siberian Husky is most comfortable living in a cooler climate. This dog is devoted to its human family and will be happy living indoors as long as its need for exercise is met. It is especially suitable for families that enjoy taking part in outdoor winter activities. The Husky can easily live outdoors in the most rigorous climate, being able to tolerate temperatures of -76F.


Things to Consider When Choosing Your Husky Dog

A husky dog is the natural choice for families looking for a huge dog which is mild in terms of temper, but yet, lively and sociable. Various breeds of husky dogs would include the popular Siberian and Alaskan husky. When choosing your husky dog, it is important to consider a couple of factors pertaining to your dog such as its general health at the time of adoption. We provide you with some knowledge on the things you need to consider when choosing your husky dog.

Most people would obtain their first husky dog from a breeder. Poor standards enforced by breeders can often lead to poor general health and even deformities in the husky dog. As such, when choosing your husky dog, it is important for you to choose from a list of qualified breeders. Your local vet would in this case be your best bet as he would be able to recommend to you an entire list of qualified, reputable breeders located within your vicinity of residence. Check with your vet the practices and standards of the breeder with your local vet before making your adoption.

Thereafter, it is important for you to examine the general health and physical well-being of your husky when choosing one. As working dogs, huskies are generally active dogs who welcome people with great enthusiasm. If the husky dog you are looking at is lifeless and bored, then something must be wrong. It could possibly be suffering from one of the many dog-related illnesses. Also, examine the huskies coat thoroughly. This should be healthy with no spots or allergies. The husky's coat should also be thick and thoroughly covered with fur. Color varies from breed to breed, with some breeds taking on a completely black appearance while others taking on a completely white appearance. In any case, a healthy coat of fur is necessary when choosing your husky dog.

Alaskan huskies are very energetic, which makes them excellent for families with energetic kids and they are one of the choice dogs for pet owners who need someone to have their daily run with. As dogs go, these breed of dogs are really very energetic, so they need a lot of space to run and play.

In much less sedate areas of Alaska, huskies are used by moose and humans alike to serve as sentries, warning if an oncoming large predator like a wolf or a bear is approaching. Like many dogs, when they form an attachment to an owner, they are very protective dogs and form a very instantaneous reaction with little kids and children.

The above are some of the important things to look out for when choosing your husky dog. In all cases, it is definitely of utmost importance to assess your own ability to commit time to raising your Siberian husky before making that decision to purchase one. Raising a husky dog requires much commitment and individuals unsure of their commitment levels should never purchase a husky dog at the spur of the moment. Otherwise, if you are able to commit time and energy to raising your husky dog, observing the above mentioned guidelines will leave you with years of satisfaction with your husky dog.



Dog Training - Some Dogs Hold Jobs Better Than We Do

Over the centuries, dogs have earned their merits as great workers, and today are no less able to carry out the jobs their ancestors have undertaken. When training a dog for a certain area of expertise, the breed's strongest trait should be the focal point - some dog breeds perform better at certain jobs than others. Below are some examples of the remarkable services that dogs render.
One of the most common jobs that dogs hold down is with the Police force. German Shepherd Dogs are usually the best types for this job, owing to their intelligence, strength, agility, and uncanny ability to sniff out bombs, drugs, and other contraband. They also serve as escorts and protection for important individuals. Bloodhounds have an even more impressive sense of smell, and are frequently used for scent tracking purposes. Police Dogs are well-trained and make great pets after they retire.
Rescue dogs specialize in saving lives in critical situations, such as accidents, flash floods, fires, and other tight situations. Bigger dogs are often suited for these jobs. For example, St. Bernards are trained to rescue lost hikers and stranded travelers in mountainous areas, such as the Alps. Newfoundlands, on the other hand, specialize in rescue missions on boat accidents. Back when firefighting engines were horse-drawn, Dalmatians aided firefighters by guiding the horses safely through the crowds towards the scene of the fire. Today, Dalmatians work as mascots for some firefighting agencies, enjoying its fabled reputation of helping people out of hot "spots."
Disaster dogs are those that specialize in tracking ruinous areas to search for any survivors. These dogs may not discriminate between a deceased victim and survivors, but their tracking skills are invaluable nonetheless. Dogs in the disaster relief effort should be keen in sniffing out via air scents. Eligible candidates such as Golden Retrievers and Border Collies do much better in alleviating the suffering brought about by natural disasters, which is more than what anyone can say about the government.
Another tough job that some dogs do is getting help when their master undergoes a seizure. These smart dogs alert nearby strangers of an emergency and lead them to their master. This job is not for all dogs, however, as some dogs can instead fiercely protect their fallen master and get in the way of medical help.
In farmlands, dogs can be trained for herding. Border Collies are intelligent and directive. They are very energetic and have the tendency to be very fidgety when told to remain stagnant. They are best for herding sheep and livestock, or for sports that require lots of running.
There are dogs that offer entertainment. They are sometimes called therapy dogs. They usually offer their services in disaster areas or those in the nursing homes. Golden Retrievers are usually the most suited for this job due to their friendly and approachable demeanors.
The jobs keep coming - Siberian Huskies work as sled dogs, Rottweilers as watch dogs, and Doberman Pinschers as guard dogs. No matter how far technology takes us, there's always a job for man's best friend to do.


Siberian Husky Potty Training - Get it Right

Siberian Husky potty training is a task that can be handled with ease even if you have never done it before. Just as with any other breed, there needs to be a lot of attention and forethought given before diving into any type of training just as any of the dog training books would tell you. You must consider your living and work arrangements. If you are home a lot and have a nice safe yard, going potty outside is probably best for the animal and for your home.
But, if you are not able to get around a lot, live in an apartment with no real yard to call your own, or even if you work a lot, you may want to consider allowing your new little friend to go potty somewhere safe in the home. This is to make sure that your dog is given the opportunity to relieve him or herself if the need arises. You don't want accidents on your new carpet and your dog does want to please you so with a little special attention paid to Siberian Husky potty training you will be on the right track.
When you have thought about all of the things that happen within your daily life, you may have decided that your dog going potty inside makes a lot more sense for your situation. Once you have made that choice, I suggest going out and purchasing some of the scented puppy pee pads. These pads are excellent to use in Siberian Husky potty training as they are scented in order to attract the dog.
A good place to start is wherever you notice that your puppy is more prone to having their mistakes. Even if this is not the location you want the pee pad, by placing it there, you are sure to grab their attention. Once your little friend begins to use the pad, slowly move the pad in the direction of where you want it to be. Everyday move it a little closer to your chosen area and eventually your Husky will be going exactly where you want him or her to go.
After a lot of though and consideration, you may have come to the decision that your Siberian Husky potty training needs to be done outside. Ways that many trainers and other professionals will suggest is to crate train your dog. Whenever you have to leave for any period of time whether it is for a few minutes or a few hours, place your pup in the crate.
As soon as you arrive home and go to bring the puppy out of the crate, take him or her right outside so they can go potty. It is important to keep them outside with you until they do go potty and once they do you want to make sure that they know you are very pleased. The best way to go about getting your point across is by giving them a lot of praise as all your dog wants is to make you happen. Soon, after enough time and consistency on your part, your dog will be able to understand that the yard and only the yard is the place to use the potty.


Stubborn Dog Training Tips

Stubborn dog training is not quite as easy as training a normal dog but it can be done and knowing how makes a huge difference. Let me first start this article by identifying some of the breeds that tend to produce stubborn dogs. This might help you in making a decision when buying a dog.
Afghan hound - Airedale Terrier - Akita - Alaskan Malamute - Alaskan Husky - American Pit Bull - American Staffordshire Terrier - Belgian Shepherd - Bernese Mountain Dog - Bloodhound - Border Collie - Borzoi - Bull Terrier - Chinese Shar-Pei - Chow Chow - Doberman - German Shepherd - Giant Schnauzer - Great Dane - Greyhound - Irish Wolfhound - Mastiff - Rhodesian Ridgeback - Rottweiler - Saluki - Siberian Husky - Weimaraner - Setters
Stubborn dogs are not found in the sporting dogs as often as they are found in the hound and terrier groups. When I think about hounds that pursue game, I think about a dog that is very stubborn until they tree or pursue the game to the end. Many people in my area who have deer dogs sometimes have to wait until season is over to find their dogs.
This is not to say these dogs can not be trained at all but rather to say it will take patience, knowledge, and confidence on the trainer's part to be successful. These breeds are not well suited for kennels and they need companionship. Many people are taking on the challenge of dog training today because economic conditions has made professional training fees more of a luxury than a necessity. If you decide to train your own dog, you will need a good book or two to learn the valuable secrets that will save you hours of frustration.
Dog training can tend to become a struggle between the trainer and the dog. This is simple to understand when you understand that dogs have a "pack nature" that creates a "dominate nature". This means they had rather lead than follow! Reminds me of my children.
Here are some tips when working with a stubborn dog...
1- Use a firm voice but be careful not to scream and lose your cool. You must be consistent when working with your dog because like children, they will pick up on inconsistency easily. This creates confusion in their mind. Just imagine if you were the dog and one time you get scolded for doing something wrong and the next time you get a pat on the head.
2- Body language is also important because you want to look confident to your dog and always look them in the eyes. This is somewhat of a domination technique. Always look at the dog when correcting and when praising.
3- One great technique is to use some type of noise maker when your dog is not obeying. These items are simple to make by taking a plastic bottle and dropping a few small rocks in it. If you need to correct the dog by striking them with an object that does not hurt but makes a loud noise, use a large plastic baseball bat. The larger the end on the bat, the bigger the sound. You can also drop a few small pebbles in the end of the bat for additional sound.
4- Using a pinch collar to train your dog to heel, sit, and stay is the fastest easiest method there is. I can train most dogs with this method within one week. It works great and this is the first step in training. I explain this process in an ebook.
Training your own dog will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. You will enjoy showing your dog's obedience to all of your friends. The sooner you get started the sooner you will achieve success.


Dogs Training Series - First Steps in Dog Grooming

Before proceeding with clipping your dog, take care of the basic grooming needs. These important activities are essential to ensure your dog stays health on the outside. An un-groomed dog is at risk of harboring various disease that can cause skin irritation. Dogs that are constantly uncomfortable will become irritable. Some dogs become so sensitive that they will snap or bite their owners where otherwise they would not.
Keep your dog well groomed will also help prevent your dog from getting some serious diseases like Lyme Disease.
The first steps to dog grooming are aimed at maintaining your dog's luxurious coat, keeping the ears clean to prevent infections, and clipping the toe nails to keep them at a healthy length and in good condition.
Coat maintenance mainly consists of proper bathing to remove dirt, harmful bacteria and parasites from the dog's skin. Combing and brushing brings the natural oils down into the hair to give it strength and shine as well as protection. A good healthy coat protects the dog's skin from exposure to the elements as it provides an insulation that keeps out rain and cold as well as heat. Properly maintained, a dog's coat allows air flow to the skin. This dries any moisture and dampness which can make the skin susceptible to skin eruptions and rashes.
Always use soaps that are designed for dogs as they are less likely to trigger allergies or skin irritations that are common with scented human products.
Brushing and combing can be a pleasurable time for you and your dog. It gives you a chance to interact in a non-threatening and non-disruptive manner. This personal touch helps you and your dog to bond to one another. This will prove beneficial when you are training your dog.
Use a soft brush that is designed for your particular type of dog. Thick, long-haired dogs need a brush with stronger bristles that will penetrate into the fur, whereas dogs with thin and fine hair are better with a softer brush. Be careful when brushing fine-haired dogs as heavy brushing can scratch the dog's skin and make it sore and irritated.
It's best to brush your dog every day for about 20 minutes each time. How long will be determined by the type of hair your dog has. Naturally, short haired dogs can be done in about 10 minutes while hair with a thick undercoat, such as the Chow or Husky will take longer. Yet other breeds can take as much as 30 minutes if the hair is quite long and tends to mat easily.
Some owners use a hair dryer after they bathe their dogs, but this will depend on whether it makes your dog nervous. Many dogs do not like the sound of a hair dryer. If you do use one, keep the setting on cool or cold as dogs cannot tolerate the hot settings.
Take care when clipping the dog's claws. Be careful not to catch the nerve end inside the nail which can cause bleeding and stinging. Use proper sharp dog nail clippers. This will create a clean cut, unlike dull clippers that can splinter the nail, leaving rough edges. If a dog scratches himself, the sharp edges can cause injuries to the skin.
Nail clipping and brushing are best done on a raised surface to make it easier for you.
Clean out your dog's ears with a cotton swab to remove built-up wax, dirt and any other foreign material. Check to see if any parasites or infection are present. If they are, see your vet for proper treatment.
Make grooming a priority and do it regularly and you will avoid many unnecessary problems for you and your dog.


Bunny Teasing Husky Puppy 2

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The Beggining

Hello World!

My name is Hattie and I’m a proud owner of three huskies. I decided to start this blog to share my knowledge with the rest of the world and learn new things from my readers. There is a lot to learn about the husky breed, it being the oldest dog breeds, so I’m sure this blog will help both me and you to discover new things.

What I’ll be doing on this blog is answers questions from my readers, post interesting topics about the husky breed and review dog products, like food, toys and treats.

So follow me so you can learn more about your beloved husky dog.